Making the Most of Mock Exam Feedback

Mock Exam Feedback is a really important tool in understanding where you can improve in your studies. Many schools and colleges across the UK have been holding mock exams over the past few weeks. Mock exams are so important for getting to grips with how exams feel and are useful in identifying areas for improvement. When you get your mock exam feedback from teachers over the coming weeks, you may feel happy that your hard work revising has paid off, but also motivated to improve for the summer exams. This blog post will look at how to make the most of your mock exam feedback to master your revision.

Reflecting on your papers

Your teachers should give back your written papers with your answers and some feedback to accompany them. Make sure you pay attention to teacher feedback as this can help identify areas of weakness. For example, if your mock exam feedback shows that you’re being marked down on your AO2 marks, you know that analysis is an area to improve for future papers.

Furthermore, look across the exams you took. If you took a full set of Politics A-Level papers, you should have sat three 2-hour papers. Look to see if your performance dipped in one or two exams. Do you need to focus on political ideas more than UK politics, for example? Does your mock exam feedback show you are stronger in longer or shorter questions? As a result, you will be able to identify areas to focus your revision on in the future.

Ask questions about your mock exam feedback

Your teachers will be willing to give you verbal feedback if you need. Ask why you received the mark you did, and what you can do to improve. Ask if you can go over a particular topic in class again so you can feel prepared if a similar question comes up in the summer exams.

Ask questions to your peers too. Perhaps the whole class struggled on a particularly question, and you can discuss your ideas together. This will benefit you in identifying areas to look back over in your revision. Sites like The Student Room are great for allowing students to share their ideas and ask for peer-to-peer feedback.

Put the mock exam feedback into action

Now that your mock exam feedback has guided you to see where you need to improve for the summer exams, it’s time to put that feedback into action.

The Study Politics Revision Tools were built to help you with your revision for exams, and they’re free for everyone. Our Revision Checklist can help you see how many topics you need to revise, and how confident you are with them. The Test Tracker will help you identify patterns in your in-class tests and see if there are certain topics that could do with some extra studying. Coupled with mock exam feedback, they’re very useful resources to make the best of your revision time.

Our resources have helped hundreds of students unlock their potential in A-Level Politics. From Course Notes to Model Essays, we help students just like you to achieve. Find out more about becoming a member and you can see how Study Politics has helped students, and how you can benefit in your studies.

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Mock exam feedback

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